e1.Sometimes you many think your baby is waking up when shes actually going throught a phase of very light slumber.
e2.She could be squirming, startling, fussing, or even crying-and still be alseep
e3. Or she may be awake but on the verge of drifting off again if left alone
e4. Don't make the mistake of trying to comfort her during thesee moment; you ill only awaken her futher and delay her going abke to sleepl Instead if you let her fuss and even cry for a few minutes, she will learn to get herself to sleep without relying on you
e5. Some babies actually need to let off energy by crying in order to settle into into or rouse themselves out of it.
e6. sAs much as fifteen to twenty minutes of fussing wont; do you child any harm
e7. But what if she's still crying lustily at the end of five minutes?