



1. 上策:同意思



  • 对对方的核心思想进行补充或延伸
  • 不仅停留在表面,而是深入探讨
  • 给对方一种你真正懂我的感觉,提升交流的质量


  • 对方:最近感觉时间不够用,总有做不完的事情
  • 你:是啊,效率真的是关键,但有时候可能也需要停下来思考哪些事是优先的


2. 中策:同等替



  • 平行表达,和对方同一水平线交流
  • 给对方一个对比或补充,让话题延续下去
  • 不追求过深,但避免冷场


  • 对方:我昨天去爬山,虽然累,但感觉特别爽
  • 你:我上个月也去了山里徒步,确实每次爬完山都会有种特别的成就感


3. 下策:分解拆



  • 不完全认同或顺着对方,而是提出一个新视角
  • 有时能激发讨论,但也容易让对方觉得被挑战
  • 更适合用在辩论或探索式对话中


  • 对方:我觉得现在人都太忙了,生活越来越没有意义了
  • 你:你觉得意义到底是什么呢?是不是可能只是我们对时间管理方式的问题




  • 上策适合建立深度共鸣或强化关系
  • 中策是保持轻松交流、拉近距离的好方法
  • 下策则适合探索性或带有逻辑辩论的对话,但需要注意场合和语气,避免破坏气氛



Your approach to conversation reflects your depth of thought and communication skills. Here are three distinct strategies:

1. Top Strategy: Align with the Core Idea

Understand and agree with the core idea, then expand upon it to demonstrate depth and alignment. This shows that you’re on the same wavelength, encouraging further dialogue and fostering connection.

  • Example:
    • Them: “I feel so busy lately.”
    • You: “Yes, it’s important to prioritize tasks.”
  • Focus: Deepening understanding and enhancing the conversation.

2. Middle Strategy: Offer a Parallel Example

Share a similar experience or example to create resonance and keep the conversation flowing. This builds rapport and shows inclusivity.

  • Example:
    • Them: “Climbing mountains is exhausting but rewarding.”
    • You: “I know what you mean. I went hiking last month and felt the same way.”
  • Focus: Strengthening connection through shared experiences.

3. Bottom Strategy: Analyze or Question

Break down the statement or ask questions to bring new perspectives. While this can spark deeper discussions, it might come across as challenging if the person is simply venting.

  • Example:
    • Them: “Life feels meaningless.”
    • You: “What does ‘meaning’ mean to you?”
  • Focus: Exploring ideas but with a risk of disrupting the flow.

In short, choosing the right strategy—depth, rapport, or exploration—could boost your conversational skills.


Three different strategies of talking with people

Different conversation skills refects you thinking depth and communication skills.

The top strategy is to agree the core idea. By understanding, agreeing and expanding his core idea to show the deep thinking of his idea and reflects you are on the same level. He will feel you are on the same channel with him, and expand his though by intriguing new idea

Example: I feel I am very busy. Yes, you need to prioritize it

The middle strategy is to replace similar thing. By sharing similar experience or example, to reflect the smooth of the conversation, and show your inclusive at the same time. He will feel resonsound your expeience, and feel closer

Example: climbing the mountain is very tire but pleased. I have same feeling with I am hiking last month

The bottom strategy is to dissection. By talking more details or questioning his statement to bring new insight. The risk is he may feel uncomfortable by challenging questions if he is just complaining, sometimes could feel break of the conversation.

Example: I feel life is meaningless. What is the meaning mean?

In short: the top strategy focus on depth, the middle stategy focus on renousance, and the bottom stategy focus on exploration.


什么是三观 -- 12/31/2024






What are three views

The "three views" are essential ideas that guide how we think and live: worldview, values, and outlook on life.

•Worldview: This is how you understand the world around you. Your worldview is built from your experiences— the places you’ve been, the books you’ve read, the people you’ve met, and the things you’ve done. If you don’t climb high, you won’t know how high the sky is. What you see, hear, and learn shapes how you view the world.

•Values: These are your principles and beliefs about what is right, wrong, or important in life. For example, some people believe knowledge can change their lives, some think health is the most important, and others think wealth matters most. Your values guide your choices and actions, influencing how you interact with others and make decisions

•Outlook on Life: This is your vision, your dreams, and the kind of person you want to become. It is shaped by your worldview and values.

Together, these three views create the foundation for how you think, feel, and act. They help you understand the world, define what’s important, and guide you toward your dreams.



What is your three views

Three views are about view of world, view of value and view of life.

The view of world means the road you traveled, the book you read, the people you see and the things you have done. If you never go high, you don’t know the height of the sky. The view of world is decided by what his see and hear.

The view of value is about what is right. For example, some people think knowledge can change his life. Some people think health is the most important, and some people think wealth is the most important.

The view of life is about your dream after reading books, traveling your road. What kinds of people do you want to be. The view of world and the view of value determined your view of life


你以为的情绪稳定 VS 实际上的情绪稳定 -- 12/27/2024


·  情绪稳定的误区:

  • 不表达情绪被认为是情绪稳定,但这是最大的误解。长期压抑情绪反而导致情绪不稳定,甚至隐形爆发。
  • 情绪管理的核心情绪稳定不是压抑或无视情绪,而是能够识别、理解、表达,并用建设性的方法疏导情绪。

·  例子:

·         情绪自控能力强,不产生情绪。接纳情绪: 情绪的产生是正常的,应承认不同情绪传递的信息,用以深入了解自己。

  • 抗压能力强,不需要解压方式.识别与疏导: 判断是否积压情绪,通过运动、倾诉、哭泣等适合自己的方式释放压力。


What You Think Emotional Stability Is vs. What It Really Means

Many people think being emotionally stable means not showing or feeling emotions. This is a big mistake. Holding in your feelings for a long time can actually make your emotions harder to control. Real emotional stability means understanding, accepting, expressing, and addressing your emotions in healthy ways.


1.      What You Think: Emotional stability means you can control your emotions and avoid feel anything.
What It Really Means: Emotional stability is about accepting your feelings. It’s normal to have negative feelings—they can carry important messages that help you better understand yourself.

2.      What You Think: I can hold my emotions inside without the need to release them.
What It Really Means: You need to process and resolve your emotions. If you notice you’re holding in too much, let it out by exercising, talking to someone, crying, or finding other ways that work for you.

Key Point:

Emotional stability isn’t about the absence of emotions but about managing them effectively in ways that promote understanding and growth.

What You Think Emotional Stability Is vs. What It Actually Means

There’s a common misunderstanding about emotional stability: many believe that suppressing or not expressing emotions equates to emotional stability. This is one of the biggest misconceptions. In reality, long-term suppression of emotions often leads to emotional instability. The essence of emotional management lies not in compressing or ignoring feelings but in recognizing, understanding, expressing, and addressing them through constructive methods.


1.      What You Think: Emotional stability means you can control your emotions and avoid feeling anything.
What It Actually Means: Emotional stability involves accepting your emotions. It's normal to experience negative feelings—they carry important messages that help you better understand yourself.

2.      What You Think: You can tolerate emotions without the need to release them.
What It Actually Means: You need to process and resolve your emotions. Determine whether you're accumulating unresolved emotions and release them through methods that work for you, such as exercising, talking, crying, or other healthy outlets.

Key Takeaway:

Emotional stability isn’t about the absence of emotions but about managing them effectively in ways that promote understanding and growth.

The stability of emotion by your think vs actual fact

There is misunderstanding of the stability of emotion: people used to think the non-expression of emotion means the stability of emotion, this is the biggest misunderstanding. The long-term holding of your emotion could lead to instatbility of emation. The key of emotion management is not to compress of ignore the emotion, but to recognize, understand, express and resolve the emation by constructive ways

Examples are:

1.       You think you can control your emotion, no emotion will be generated. But actually, you need to accept the emotion, it is normal to generate negative emotion, need to ackowlege the message from the emotion, and to understand your selfmore

2.       You think you can tolerance the emotion, no need to release it. But actually, you need to understand and resolve the emotion. Figure out if ther eis accumulation of emotion, and resolve it through execise, talking, crying or other means suitable to you


人生的最大意义就是吃喝玩乐 -- 12/21/2024


人生的最大意义就是吃喝玩乐 -- 12/21/2024


1.       有吃有喝,可以满足第一层次的生理需求

2.       长期持续的有吃有喝,可以满足第二层次的安全需求

3.       长期持续的跟朋友有吃有喝,可以满足第三层次的社会需求

4.       长期持续的有朋友跟着你有吃有喝,可以满足第四层次的尊重需求

5.       你追求的是长期持续的有朋友跟着你有吃有喝,可以满足第五层次的自我实现需求

The Meaning of Life: It’s All About Eating and Drinking

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes five levels of what people need in life. These levels can be explained through something simple—eating and drinking:

  1. Basic Needs: Having food and drinks to survive.
  2. Safety Needs: Having food and drinks all the time so you feel secure.
  3. Social Needs: Enjoying food and drinks with friends to feel connected.
  4. Esteem Needs: Sharing food and drinks with close, long-term friends to feel respected.
  5. Self-Actualization: Being able to provide food and drinks for your close friends, showing purpose and care for others.

In short, life can be seen as finding, enjoying, and sharing food and drinks—starting from basic survival to building deep relationships and giving back.

The Meaning of Life: It's All About Eating and Drinking

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are five levels of human necessity. These levels can be interpreted through the lens of life's most basic pleasure: eating and drinking.

  1. Basic Needs: Satisfying the first level involves having enough food and drink to meet physical survival requirements.
  2. Safety Needs: Consistently having access to food and drink fulfills the need for security and stability.
  3. Social Needs: Sharing food and drink with friends addresses the third level, the desire for connection and belonging.
  4. Esteem Needs: Enjoying food and drink with long-term companions satisfies the fourth level, reflecting mutual respect and a sense of accomplishment within relationships.
  5. Self-Actualization: Reaching the highest level involves the ability to consistently provide food and drink for long-term friends, symbolizing purpose, fulfillment, and the ability to contribute to others' well-being.

In essence, life’s meaning can be distilled into the pursuit and sharing of sustenance, representing both our basic needs and our deeper aspirations.


The meaning of life is all about eating and drinking

According to the musk’s levels of necessary of life, there are 5 different levels in a men’s life. The first and basic level is bodys needs, and the second level is security needs, and the third is social needs, and the forth is the being reputed needs, and the fifth is self purpose needs.

In simple way it could be explained as follows

1.       Having food and drinks, which satisfied the first level needs

2.       Having food and drinks consistently, which satisfies the second level needs

3.       Having food and drinks consistently with friends, which satisfied the third level needs

4.       Having food and drinks consistently with long-term following friends, which satisfied the fourth level needs

5.       Be able to provide food and drinks consistently with long-term following friends, which satisfied the fifth level needs.










一个抑郁症留学生的自述 — — 我所做的全部努力,不过是为了完成普通的生活

现在重新把这篇文章发出来有几个原因,一是身边有个饭友(饭否的朋友)最近抑郁症吃药都控制不住,情况很差,所以才想起重提这个话题。二是最近老有人问我怎么不发文章了,答案是笔者找工作中,每天对着电脑哭,没心思写新文只好拿一篇旧文凑数。你们谁需要data analyst欢迎ping我,新鲜出炉的,很勤奋的那种☺️。
——————好了不罗嗦了,BANG BANG进入正文 ——————
留学生抑郁已经不止一次被提起了,但好像还没有一篇以one on one conversation的形式来谈论这个问题的文章。精神疾病是有很多种类型的,抑郁症是最广为人知也是最被滥用的。人们对抑郁症有很多误解,最常见的一种就是,抑郁常常被认为是“心情不好”,而真正的抑郁是,生活中所有的一切都很好,可我还是在精神上挣扎着。你问我原因? — — 我也不知道。

笔者一直游走在抑郁症的边缘,情绪非常不稳定,但因为告诉自己“刚来美国还不适应”“慢慢会变好的”,所以也并没有很认真地去思考抑郁症这个问题。后来当我结束了所有final开始度假,却仍然摆脱不了depression的时候,我才意识到问题的严重性。笔者患的是躁郁症,bipolar disorder,也叫做双极性情感疾患,于狂躁期,患者会感到或表现出异常开心、有活力、易怒;于抑郁期,患者会哭泣、缺乏交流、对生命萌生负面看法。也叫做钟摆病,有兴趣的话可以去深入查一下资料。笔者参考了一些资料,但这篇文章会更偏主观,以一个患者的narrative来谈论抑郁症对自己的影响和怎样去克服。

Some “sad facts” about depression:

#1 抑郁是24/7全年无休的,就像是在过膝泥潭里深陷,只要停止一挣扎,你就会被淹没。

Overwhelming是大多数抑郁症患者都会用的词,当然并不是所有overwhelming的人都是抑郁症。这个世界要求太多了,我要么躺在床上拒绝面对真实的世界,要么就得爬起来一项一项去战斗which is endless。当我看着别人那样proactive地活跃在朋友圈Facebook,出现在各种群体活动各种party的时候,我看着他们火热的朋友圈留言,心里就一个感受:为什么我不能和他们一样正常地对这些东西食物、某某大人物要来开lecture、各种美国的节日产生兴趣?我的心生病了,可是明天还要上课、开会,还有那么多新的科技和融资,那么多推送要去读,这个世界为什么就不能停一停?

#2 抑郁症患者可能看上去极其正常

笔者平时看起来完全就是一个逗逼。很少有人会把自己抑郁的事实摆出来说,是因为当我实在坚持不住去找朋友talk through的时候,我发现向别人解释本身就是一件很精疲力竭的事情。另外,不犯抑郁的时候我基本上是把自己blocked out的,而当我犯抑郁的时候我去找朋友寻求帮助,长此以往我也会觉得自己是个糟糕的朋友,而每个人也都有自己的事情要忙,总会有照顾你情绪不周全的时候,抑郁症患者又对此特别敏感,我不想成为别人的负担。

#3 别试图去安慰一个抑郁症患者

“我上周也发生了一件无比糟糕的事情,但我并没有让它毁了到我的生活” — — 恭喜你,我羡慕你有这样的能力,你可以像一个正常的人类那样生活。但我就是做不到,如果我可以,我早就去做了,不是吗?正是因为我做不到,所以我才拼命地无声地挣扎着,而你轻描淡写的一句话就可能让我觉得自己无能极了。
“多运动,你会感觉好很多的,相信我” — — 请相信我,我定期去gym,我吃健康的食物,我读书、旅行、和朋友聊天……我已经试过了所有可能的办法。但是它们都只是创口贴,只能缓解无法治愈。
“如果我有你的生活,我会感到知足而不是抑郁” — — 如果你完全拥有我的生活,你也会拥有我的抑郁。

笔者患了抑郁症以后,觉得生养我的父母是最有权利知道what’s going on with me的人,于是告知了他们。我妈一个电话就打来了:“我就不懂了,你现在什么都好好的,终于也出国了,假期还可以旅游,你怎么还不高兴呢?上一辈出国打拼的人还要刷盘子,你已经这么幸福了怎么还不满足?遇到困难就去克服,不要老把抑郁症的帽子往自己头上扣。” — — 看,另外一个抑郁症患者不说出来的原因是,别人总会认为你在装可怜或者找借口。
可以的话,让我们知道你是那个凌晨两点钟都会在的朋友,但不要太pushy。当我们真的撑不下去的时候,我们会reach out to you。那时候,陪我们去公园的长凳上坐一坐,什么也别问,什么也别安慰,静静陪着我们就好。那个“蹲下来陪我做一只蘑菇”的故事大家都听过吧?虽然挺鸡汤,但对抑郁症患者来说确实是这个理儿。(蘑菇图太丑,随手拉了张猫图)

#4 我开心不等于我痊愈了,我抑郁也不代表一定要自杀。

“昨天你很开心啊,真正抑郁的人是永远不开心的” — — 抑郁症患者也是普通人,我们也会庆祝生日、聚会(我还能写稿子呢_(:з」∠)_),并从这些活动中感到真诚的快乐,但这并不意味着我们就完全没事了。那只能说明我们暂且赢得了那一天那一刻的战役,但就像#1里说的那样,战争永远在继续,想象一下真实的偶尔双方都歇兵了的战场吧。至于我为什么没有自杀?因为我一直在很努力地让自己好起来啊!

#5 抑郁症不仅仅是不开心或者想自杀,它会影响生活各个方面的performance。


另外留学的路确实是很孤独的。一个人在异国生活,因为什么都是一个人,有时候会缺少一个benchmark,担心自己是不是走偏了。要知道当一条路上只有你一个人的时候,你总会质疑自己到底是会找到一个新的帝国还是还是完全走了极端。当遇到困难的时候,不是所有人都feel comfortable of seeking for help的,有很多人都会选择自己消化。笔者不反对自己消化自己成长,但是千万不要走完全封闭自己的极端,不然情况可能会恶化,抑郁症处理不好还是挺危险的。对于自己所处的境地一定要be mindful,80%可以尽量自己处理,另外20%一定要保证有外界的input,可以是有选择地和别人沟通和交流,也可以是查资料或者看合适的影音书。
说了这么多,是不是每个人都觉得自己有点儿抑郁症?哈哈哈 — — 别慌,下面我们来说说怎么办。以下只是笔者一个人的经验,没有和任何人探讨过,不代表权威的治疗方法。真正的治疗还是要去找学校的医生去咨询。

#1 别有病乱投医

美国学校为了防止学生抑郁,一般都有心理咨询室,不要惧怕,它存在就是让你去利用的,和图书馆其实也没啥本质上的区别 — — 说实话你可能还为它交了一部分学费。Instead of随便抓一个人倾诉,不如reach out去跟有着同样经历的同龄人聊天,你会从谈话中发现,原来同为留学生的他们也有这样那样的困难和困惑,可以听听他们是怎么度过的。一个没有抑郁症常识或者没有身处在你context的人可能会有对你有害的反应,比如指责你或者把你患了抑郁症的事情到处乱说。
另外可以去找找自己附近有没有定期的group session,这样就可以避免打扰到朋友,也有一个理解和包容你的群体。找一些关于抑郁症的资料和文章去读,客观看待抑郁症。我还常常看Humans of New York,虽然很鸡汤但还是很正能量的,让我知道每个人都有很艰难的一段日子,打开自己狭小的格局,“看开一点”会缓解抑郁。

#2 找到你的摄魂怪 — — 抑郁症的trigger

抑郁症都会有一些情感上的trigger,当你做出一些行为的时候,行为导致的后果每每都会让你陷入抑郁的状态,找到这些trigger并且试着去避免它们,是对抗抑郁症的第一步。比如你看到留学生之间的八卦、攀比和抱团就感到心烦,那么就远离聒噪的社交网络,试着过两天没有朋友圈的生活。如果time management不好而导致的学习拖后腿会让你对自己很失望从而frustrated,那么就先别管抑郁症,每天从对抗一个小的拖延症开始。抑郁症可能是一个很ambiguous的东西,但是抑郁症的trigger可以是一个一个实实在在的小事情,找到它们并且逐个tackle down,会对抑郁症有很大的帮助。

#3 不求“被理解”,但求“被接纳”


#4 集中精力做一件简单的事情

笔者因为自己患了抑郁,也因此改变了看世界的perspective:Don’t judge. You never know what they’re going through. 他人即地狱,自我是一个深渊。不要push yourself too hard,人类本来就很脆弱,人生也从来不是一个easy game.
Hope all is well.
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