
你以为的情绪稳定 VS 实际上的情绪稳定 -- 12/27/2024


·  情绪稳定的误区:

  • 不表达情绪被认为是情绪稳定,但这是最大的误解。长期压抑情绪反而导致情绪不稳定,甚至隐形爆发。
  • 情绪管理的核心情绪稳定不是压抑或无视情绪,而是能够识别、理解、表达,并用建设性的方法疏导情绪。

·  例子:

·         情绪自控能力强,不产生情绪。接纳情绪: 情绪的产生是正常的,应承认不同情绪传递的信息,用以深入了解自己。

  • 抗压能力强,不需要解压方式.识别与疏导: 判断是否积压情绪,通过运动、倾诉、哭泣等适合自己的方式释放压力。


What You Think Emotional Stability Is vs. What It Really Means

Many people think being emotionally stable means not showing or feeling emotions. This is a big mistake. Holding in your feelings for a long time can actually make your emotions harder to control. Real emotional stability means understanding, accepting, expressing, and addressing your emotions in healthy ways.


1.      What You Think: Emotional stability means you can control your emotions and avoid feel anything.
What It Really Means: Emotional stability is about accepting your feelings. It’s normal to have negative feelings—they can carry important messages that help you better understand yourself.

2.      What You Think: I can hold my emotions inside without the need to release them.
What It Really Means: You need to process and resolve your emotions. If you notice you’re holding in too much, let it out by exercising, talking to someone, crying, or finding other ways that work for you.

Key Point:

Emotional stability isn’t about the absence of emotions but about managing them effectively in ways that promote understanding and growth.

What You Think Emotional Stability Is vs. What It Actually Means

There’s a common misunderstanding about emotional stability: many believe that suppressing or not expressing emotions equates to emotional stability. This is one of the biggest misconceptions. In reality, long-term suppression of emotions often leads to emotional instability. The essence of emotional management lies not in compressing or ignoring feelings but in recognizing, understanding, expressing, and addressing them through constructive methods.


1.      What You Think: Emotional stability means you can control your emotions and avoid feeling anything.
What It Actually Means: Emotional stability involves accepting your emotions. It's normal to experience negative feelings—they carry important messages that help you better understand yourself.

2.      What You Think: You can tolerate emotions without the need to release them.
What It Actually Means: You need to process and resolve your emotions. Determine whether you're accumulating unresolved emotions and release them through methods that work for you, such as exercising, talking, crying, or other healthy outlets.

Key Takeaway:

Emotional stability isn’t about the absence of emotions but about managing them effectively in ways that promote understanding and growth.

The stability of emotion by your think vs actual fact

There is misunderstanding of the stability of emotion: people used to think the non-expression of emotion means the stability of emotion, this is the biggest misunderstanding. The long-term holding of your emotion could lead to instatbility of emation. The key of emotion management is not to compress of ignore the emotion, but to recognize, understand, express and resolve the emation by constructive ways

Examples are:

1.       You think you can control your emotion, no emotion will be generated. But actually, you need to accept the emotion, it is normal to generate negative emotion, need to ackowlege the message from the emotion, and to understand your selfmore

2.       You think you can tolerance the emotion, no need to release it. But actually, you need to understand and resolve the emotion. Figure out if ther eis accumulation of emotion, and resolve it through execise, talking, crying or other means suitable to you
