1. package definition and import
a. definition: package org.tx.msdn
b. import: import org.tx.msdn.*
c. refer: Person per = new org.tx.msdn Person(); or Person per=new Person() if not confict
d. import static: import static org.tx.msdn.Math;
if a class contains only static method, using "import static" can assume the method defined is in the current class. ( which means use the mehtod name directly without the class name)
2. compile
javac -d . Person.java ==> creates ./org/tx/msdn/Person.class
java org/tx/msdn/Person
3. jar: same as a directory
jar -cvf my.jar org
set classpath=.;my.jar
4. access control of class
public: all
protected: class from same package, derived class from different package
default: class from same package
private: only current class
5. common package
a. java.lang => implicitly import, contains String...
b. java.lang.refect ==> low level system
c. java.util ==> tool
d. java.io ==> I/O
e. java.net ==> netowrk
f. java.sql ==> database
g. java.txt ==> internationlaztion