标 题: Re: 打算在Houston买房,希望大家能给点建议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 5 11:33:53 2012, 美东)
According to my recent experience.
1. around 3000 sqft, not too big, not too small.
2. 4 bedrooms, one more study will be a plus.
3. 3-10 years old
4. kitchen and bathroom have been upgraded.
5. 3 car garage is a plus
6. in a big community.
7. avoid flood zone. http://www.hcfcd.org/
8. avoid big windows towards west.
9. watch around house. main road, gas station. commercial area.
10. ceiling should be minimum 9 ft in all 1st floor rooms.
You will not find house satisfing all above conditions, you have to
decide which is the best you can get in the market.
【 在 dataaroom (随风) 的大作中提到: 】
: 来美时间不长,才一年多。现在和老婆的credit 都已经720+了。想开始看看房子。说
: 实话对Houston还不是特别熟悉。现在就知道Sugar land / katy。 sugar land 去过一
: 次, 看过几个open house. 而 katy 压根儿就没去过,呵呵。
: 这真要买房,有哪些要注意的,大家能给点建议么?顺便再推荐几个好点的区。我不是
: 说那种很贵的区啊,你懂的。
: 大家要是有好的realtor, 欢迎推荐!最好是华人。我英文很一般,对房子又不怎么懂
: 。沟通起来真的... ...呵呵!
: 价格,大概25万左右的single house. 两层的。再详细些的要求就先不在这里写了。
: 诚信求助,谢谢大家!
※ 修改:・scara 於 Apr 5 12:14:44 2012 修改本文・[FROM: 15.203.]
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