1. StringBuffer append(String)
2. StringBuffer insert(int start, String)
3. StringBuffer delete(int start, int end)
4. StringBuffer reverse();
5. String toString();
1. Runtime getRuntime()
2. Process exec(String); destroy() in Process
3. long freeMemory(), long maxMemory(), long totalMemory()
==System: 计算时间
1. static long currentTimeMillis();
2. static void gc(), the same as Rumtime gc();
==Difference final, finally, finalize
1. final: can not inhert
2. finally: always run in try...catch...finally
3. finalize: protected void finalize() throws Throwable: run before a object being distroyed
a. Local
1. static Local getDefault();
2. Local(String language, String contry);
b. ResourceBundle
1. ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName);
2. ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Local local);
3. bin\native2ascii.exe
c. dyanmic text
Adding place holder in the properties file
info = \u4f60\u597d\uff01~~~~~{0},{1}
String zhValue = chRb.getString("info");
MessageFormat.format(zhValue, "Hi", "haha");
d. use class to replace property file to save text
public class Message_zh_CN extends ListResourceBundle {...}
e. Priority:
1. but usually use properties file
2. There is tools for creating propertie files
a Date ( import java.util.Date; )
System.out.println(new Date()) ==> Mon Mar 02 16:12:21 CST 2009
b Calender (import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregoreianCalander;)
1. 它是抽象类,用子类
Calander calender = new GregorianCalender();
System.out.println("YEAR: " + calender.get(Calendar.YEAR);
c DateFormat
c SimpleDateFormat